Innovate UK Innovation Loans Future Economy: Round 16

Innovate UK Smart Grants July 2024
Project Value
12 months
Project Length
18 September 2024
Competition Closes
NHS England’s Delivery Plan for Recovering Urgent and Emergency Care Services, published in January 2023, sets out the ambition to develop a system that provides more and better care in people’s homes, gets ambulances to people more quickly when they need them, sees people faster when they go to hospital, and helps people safely leave hospital having received the care they need.
Competition 26 – Urgent & Emergency Care, Phase 3, aims to identify innovations at an advanced stage of development that address three priority areas:
- Health and Care Outside of Hospitals: Accessing the Right Care and Reducing Demand
- Reducing Length of Stay and Improving Discharge
- Supporting Workforce
Fund details
The competition aims to facilitate the collection of evidence in real-world settings and build on the value proposition required by commissioners and regulators to accelerate the uptake of the innovation into relevant health or social care settings.
The competition is open to any innovation (e.g., medical device, in-vitro diagnostic, digital health solutions and AI solutions, behavioural interventions, and service improvements) that meets the entry criteria and the challenges described in the Challenge brief.
Single organisations (contracts are executed with individual legal entities) based in the UK or EU from the private, public and third sectors, including companies (large corporates and small and medium enterprises), charities, universities, and NHS providers, given a strong commercial strategy is provided, are eligible to apply.
Organisations based outside the UK or EU with innovations in the remit for this call can apply as subcontractors of a lead UK/EU-based organisation or via a UK or EU subsidiary.
Collaborations are encouraged in the form of subcontracted services as appropriate.
The upper funding limit of SBRI Healthcare Phase 3 competitions is £500,000 excluding VAT.